Monday, March 5, 2018

Interent Presence

I really want to focus on appealing to my target audience, which coincidentally is my generation so I think I have a real good understanding of fashion trends and trends in general that will grab their eye and make them go: "Oh I have that!" "I wear that!" "I do that too!"

Social media has a huge role in my film opening! No spoilers for now...
In the beginning of my film opening, the main character will be getting ready for school. Small details like getting woken up by her cellphone rather than a traditional alarm clock, and checking her social media sites first thing she wakes up, emphasizes the strong cell phone presence with this generation. Which is extremely important to the plot of my film opening. The extensive use of social media helps makes the viewer feel like "hey! I do that too" which is exactly what I am going for.
Other details like walking around school with headphones in, and the occasional texting and driving should hint to the viewer that these phones are basically taking over a generation. (hint.. hint)

In my film opening, not only the main character will be seen on her phone and using social media but also everyone around her since social media plays a gigantic role to the plot.

I know social media and technology is extremely used with this generation of teens and young adults because I did some research! According to The Office of Adolescent Health 94% of teens go online daily, 71% have more than one social media account, and a lot of teens publish personal information onto those platforms.

Internet presence is a crucial element in my film opening!!!!!! A step closer to filming...

Health, O. O. (2016, May 13). February 2016: Teens' Social Media Use. Retrieved March 10, 2018, from

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