Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Teenage Representation

In my film opening, consisting only of teenagers I decided to research how teenagers are represented in the media. What I found wasn't so positive at all. Teenagers are represented to be lost, reckless, and even dumb. It's harsh, I know. Movies like Project X and Mean Girls are just prime examples of the extreme desire to be something you're not, which was a common pattern in my research for how teens are represented.

Technological advancements have led up to this idea. Social media platforms have influenced younger generations to conform to unrealistic expectations and therefore, try to become something they are not.That's not all, like Project X and Mean Girls, both movies showcase the rebelliousness. This shows that teens are represented to be extremely defiant.

I watched an amazing video that I believe was made by a college student. She really made a voice for the lack of positive publications for and about teenagers and spoke about the excessive negative publications and representations of teenagers and how they are unfair as the voices of teenagers themselves aren't being heard.

I feel like I've said this a million times throughout my blog posts but social media presence in my film opening is key. After reading how much social media actually affects teenagers and how social media has the potential to shape teenagers views, I have realized that the elements in my film opening are accurate and relevant. This in turn, creates something for my target audience to relate to: the strong connection with social media and the outcomes from it. 

Monday, March 26, 2018


So I know I have left this for the end... But not until I met with my classmates to critique our progresses and suggest new ideas did I realize that I needed to add dialogue. Why didn't I think to add dialogue? I don't know. I though to myself that I didn't have to have any to introduce any character... What was I thinking? That was a mistake for sure.

Sneak Peek

Here is a sneak peek of my script. It's a conversation between Diana Love (the main character) and her best friend Sophia. She picks her up to go to school and they are just talking on the way. I decided that this conversation is essentially one of the most important ones of the entire film opening because this is the first impression. First impressions are always very important
Not only that, but the conversation between the two of them builds the foundation for the rest of the film. They are talking, or should I say, gossiping about everything they know and heard about online. Again reassuring to the viewer the strong media presence.

Also, it's not a screen play. I learned how to do one in my Film 1 class in 8th grade... All I really remember is how painstaking it is to make one of those. The amount of detail.... 🙄 Mine is very basic and extremely easy to understand.

I am excited to start filming this weekend. I haven't found my "Sophia" character yet. Luckily with the magic of editing I don't have to film scenes in order. The first scene will actually be filmed on filming day 3. One of the only changes to my project so far has been my filming schedule. Previously I made a blog post organizing myself and I was really calm about knowing what I am going to be doing each day. As filming days approach, I realize that I wouldn't be able to film the opening in order. So... I've made some changes.

Day 4 is still this same!

Friday, March 23, 2018

How I Overcome Writers Block

For the last two blog posts I don't think you are able to tell that I had really bad writers block this week. I was so stressed because I didn't know what to write about. I made lists and lists of possible ideas but I felt like the ideas weren't strong enough. Im happy with how my blog has been looking lately but there has been this thought in the back of my head ever since I started this project: I can do better. Even when I try my hardest and spend hours on one blog post I read back on it the next week and I know it could have been stronger and better.

How I overcome writers block:

1. I start of with titling the blog post. It helps me think to myself what the main focus of what I'll be writing about is.

2. Then, I write my truest feelings. Since there is no outline I like to write whatever comes to mind, everything sounds natural the way. I believe that's the main point of these blogs: the students true feeling throughout the journey.

3. After I organize everything I just wrote into a specific order (so the reading flows) I step back and look at the entire blog post and ask myself: What research do I need to do to prove this? or show this?

4. I conduct my research and simply add it to my blog post.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Creating Social Media Accounts

In my film opening there will be extensive use of social media like you have seen in the previous blog posts. I started to create the social media accounts for my character. As I began to create the accounts, I realized she didn't have a name. I decided to name her Diana Love. I have made her an Instagram and Twitter account. I need these accounts because throughout the short film these sites will be the essential aspect of the entire 120 seconds.



As you can see, these accounts are very personal. This is the point.

(P.S I made the accounts private and only accessible to me & just to make sure, these accounts aren't supposed to advertise anything, these accounts are the "props" I need for the film opening! :))

Monday, March 19, 2018

With a Budget of $0...

As the filming days approach I decided to do some research on set design.

I looked into the set design for paranormal activity. It's more of just a regular house they decided to film in rather than actually a made up set. This is the reason why I decided to look into this movie. Anyone can walk into their house or a friends house and start filming. This was actually one of the reasons I chose to do a horror/ thriller movie. Most movies from this genre start with a low budget since the equipment, props, and setting, etc is so cheap.
Just look at these numbers!!

According to author Garry Hendrix, Horror movies are really having a golden age -- If you keep the budget low you cant take risks!

Most production companies see horror or thriller movies as an investment.

So how does this tie into my struggles as a student trying to create a film opening? Well, just that. I am a student writing, producing, directing and staring in my own film opening with a budget of zero dollars. Horror movies are the small risk I'm willing to take to make something big because I don't need much!!!!

Screen cap from the movie: Paranormal Activity 4!
As you can see here, this is just a normal home. Of course possible props were added but like i've said before I don't need to add much, if it all, anything. I have sat and thought of any possible set props I must need to buy or create, and I have not thought of anything for now.
I know this isn't the best idea, but as I approach the days I'll have this thought in the back of my head. But, If I really do find out the day of filming that I need a specific prop, I will go get it or go make it or anything. I know its a "wing it" moment but I feel thats the best for now.

 ðŸ’¡[FUN FACT] 💡
The house where the original Paranormal activity was filmed is on sale! Yes, they filmed in a real house not a fake set!
That's a lot of money...!

Friday, March 16, 2018

Title of my film opening is......

Everyone's Watching

I love it!

Okay well, I have gone to every single person in my house, spent about 25 minutes telling them about the project and how my film opening will go, and then spent about another 20 minutes trying to come up with a title.

After looking over the list with about 30 possible film titles I chose "Everyone's Watching." Like you have seen in previous blog posts, social media is a grand aspect to my film opening. With social media, many of private events or information are available to the public. When you post a video with a pinned location or a selfie at your high school, every one and any one can see it. So.... Everyone is watching ;)

Lets Talk Font...

After talking with my classmates about my project they helped me come up with an amazing ending!  The tile of my film opening will follow that pattern... If you're confused let me explain...

My film opening will end with the main character getting package containing a letter and a variety of pictures taken of her throughout her day. The letter contains a message written with cutout magazine letters like these:

I want my film opening title to be just like this. The point is that magazine cut out letters are kind of impossible to trace. The character can not figure out who it is from handwriting, for example. 

I think it's also really creepy and here's why. Dolls and horror are completely opposite things, but they go together in creating such a dark horrors like Chucky in Child's Play and Annabelle. Magazines and a stalker? Where is the relation? The letters are positive, colorful and big! They give off good vibes. But when these letters are put on a letter that came in a package with pictures being taken outside your window. That's creepy. 

The Pictures

Polaroids of course. Yes, I will be cliché. 

The Letter

I have a dilemma. I don't know if the letter should contain a message asking her something she would only know the answer to, so that's really creepy or if the message should just be the tittle. Something to think about...

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

I changed my story board..

After consulting with my teacher and fellow classmates I got the clear idea that I needed to change my story board and ideas in general. Not completely changing my story line, but how I present and deliver the idea.

Storyboarding has been amazing and I already made a blog post about how much It truly helps. Honestly from imagining a shot in my head to then drawing it on a piece of paper is just so cool. It is like my idea has come to life. Imagining it in my head seems unreal but it's really not like that.

Before working in groups to discuss each other progress I made a new story board, only changing some shots. After consulting with my group members they advised me that I was showing too much, and adding to many scenes that were unnecessary

As you can see here, the orange X marks the spot where my group members and eventually I felt was unnecessary to the overall plot and also unnecessary considering the amount of time available.

Story boarding for me has been solely about camera shots, angles, and how the story will begin and finish. I have done some research about story boarding and after getting the perspective from many different people I learned that story boarding also consists of character development. Yes, I agree. But being that this is only the film opening that is also really unnecessary here.

In the video here, an illustrator talks about what a story board is and why is it important for any creator to make one. He said many things about character development which like I said isn't important for this specific project. But, he also talked about how story boarding assures that you know everything you need and that you have everything you need.

Although he is an animator and story boarding is almost essential for them, I read an article that stated:
kinda funny

These words were my main inspiration to create a story board

R. (2014, November 06). Video: An Inside Look at Storyboarding with the Coen Brothers' Storyboard Artist. Retrieved March 18, 2018, from



Monday, March 12, 2018

Discussing with my classmates!!!! New Inspirations!

So when I walked into class I was like "great... this is gonna suck, this won't help at all." Harsh right? I know... Little did I know, I was completely wrong.

Turns out It was very very very helpful. I was perplexed. I had this feeling like something isn't clicking right. I realize now that I haven't shown much of that in my blog posts. I feel like I was trying to mask the reality of me being completely and utterly lost with the main purpose: This is just a film opening. I had the wrong approach. I was going to film too much, let the viewer know too much.

My group members helped me come up with the best idea! Im in love with the idea! I can not wait. Seriously!

I never found myself to be a brutally honest person, and with that I was never really comfortable with taking criticism. I've always liked working with myself and only taking and considering my ideas. I've been missing out on something so essential and crucial to making a project so much better. What is it? Criticism. 

Not only did my group members help me better my film opening, but also make my blog posts better! I kind of forgot the freedom I have to put anything...

So after discussing my film opening, I actually changed a lot. My main goal for the first 30 to 45 seconds is to introduce the main character. Kind of like what the character Pee Wee does in the movie Pee Wee's Big Adventure.

Here is the first 4 minutes of the film. Pee Wee is a man with a high imagination and the first couple minutes show just that.

This film opening was one of my greatest inspirations since in a film opening introducing the main character is so important. Another inspiration of mine was Ferris Bueller's Day Off. It made me laugh so much and fall in love with the character. 

Both film opening are somewhat similar... They start at the beginning of the morning for each character and their morning "routine." The difference between the two is the different types of characters, and the fact that one is in first person and the other in third. The difference between the two is stronger than the similarities though. This goes to show the amount of freedom I have to create something unique for my project with these inspirations.

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Planning: Filming Schedule

I decided to film everything on my Iphone 7s. I believe this is the best tool for me since it's what I have used all school year, so I have a lot of experience with it.

After deciding what I was going to film with, I started to plan out when and where. I have never done so much planning for a project ever, and I have to say.... it helps a lot! I'm not stressed, at least for now, and I have a pretty good understanding of whats going to go down, when it's going down and with who. I know the chart might not make much sense to you, but I know exactly what every single line means and thats what important. Organizing myself has made this process a little easier since im working with me, myself and I!

I separated the filming process into three days. Each Day consists of a different scene. I organized it into the time of day I need to film. With my budget of $0 I believe its the best idea since I can't easily make it night time at 2 in the afternoon, for example.

Im excited to start filming, and I know for a fact this chart is following me everywhere!

Day 4 consists of reviewing footage extensively and making sure I'm not missing anything or If I need to redo some shots. I think this day is the most important since I do not want to find out I'm missing something or end up not liking a                                                                                            shot the day I'm editing. That would be bad.                                                                                            Really bad. And annoying. Really annoying.

Time to start filming!

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Costume Design?? Appealing to Target Audience!

So my film opening takes place in the present day. I started thinking to myself... there is not much costume or set design that I need to create since its all happening now. For example, I have a scene that requires a car. I think cars are really important to a lot of films because they establish a time period. Luckily my film doesn't take place in the 1960's... so I don't need cars from the 60's rolling around... and with my budget of $0 that's a nice plus!

Costume design... Here is my dilemma with costume design... My film consists of mainly teenagers and I have a pretty good understanding of how teenagers dress and act.. because I am one. (so there goes another plus!!)                               

Clarissa Explains It All (Show from the1990's)
Typical millennial... Comfy clothing... thats it. 

See.... compare these two... One is clearly
much simpler than the other! 

So as you can see, costume design isn't my main focus. How teenagers react to certain situations and how they are at school: always talking in groups, super cliquey, cellphones, Twitter, Vine, headphones, anything, I want to portray that exactly. I watch a lot of shows and movies that portray 80's kids childhood or 90's teens and I really want that feel for my film opening. I want millennials to watch this and be like "Hey I do that!" "Me and my friends do that!" "I have that!" 

I really want to incorporate apps like Pokemon Go and Vine, and Im not sure I can do that yet... I am going to have to talk to my teacher. I feel like I've said this a lot, but internet presence in my generation is huge!!!! But if I cant do the apps, I know I can add some dance moves that have become extremely popular and funny jokes that only this generation will understand. I know my genre is horror/thriller, but in the beginning my only goal is to introduce the main character, the people around her and  her surrounding.

Monday, March 5, 2018

Interent Presence

I really want to focus on appealing to my target audience, which coincidentally is my generation so I think I have a real good understanding of fashion trends and trends in general that will grab their eye and make them go: "Oh I have that!" "I wear that!" "I do that too!"

Social media has a huge role in my film opening! No spoilers for now...
In the beginning of my film opening, the main character will be getting ready for school. Small details like getting woken up by her cellphone rather than a traditional alarm clock, and checking her social media sites first thing she wakes up, emphasizes the strong cell phone presence with this generation. Which is extremely important to the plot of my film opening. The extensive use of social media helps makes the viewer feel like "hey! I do that too" which is exactly what I am going for.
Other details like walking around school with headphones in, and the occasional texting and driving should hint to the viewer that these phones are basically taking over a generation. (hint.. hint)

In my film opening, not only the main character will be seen on her phone and using social media but also everyone around her since social media plays a gigantic role to the plot.

I know social media and technology is extremely used with this generation of teens and young adults because I did some research! According to The Office of Adolescent Health 94% of teens go online daily, 71% have more than one social media account, and a lot of teens publish personal information onto those platforms.

Internet presence is a crucial element in my film opening!!!!!! A step closer to filming...

Health, O. O. (2016, May 13). February 2016: Teens' Social Media Use. Retrieved March 10, 2018, from

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Planning: Story Board

So I made a story board, it was really really hard. I have never been artsy or crafty or anything along those lines ever, but I really wanted it to be perfect so it took me forever!!!! Last project I did a story board and although it took forever, It was so worth it in the end. It really helped me see my vision before actually creating it and made the whole filming process a lot easier and faster. When I created my first film in the beginning of the school year,  I remember not really knowing much. I just grabbed my camera, walked out the door and just began filming. I had the idea in my head but not very much planning. Looking back now, If I had just organized myself a little more and done a story board those projects would have been so much better. But hey, you live and you learn!

Now that Im doing the most crucial and important project of the year, Im thankful that throughout the school year I've learned the "do's and don'ts."

So I know its messy and I'm not too happy about that but nothing is perfect! I am happy though that storyboarding helped me so much!

Thanks to storyboarding I have an organized idea of important elements like where exactly I'm filming, costume design, and what props I need.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Planning: Research Genre

Brain Storming!

So after some brainstorming I finally found out what I want to do! I've chosen to base my film opening under the thriller/horror genre. I chose to do this genre because I believe that thriller/horror movie openings are very important since they must keep the viewer on their feet with suspense. To make my film opening all the better, conducting some extensive research on the genre itself is almost essential to remaking it to the T.

Thriller/Horror Genre:

This genre attracts young adults and teens who are in that age where they want to experience new emotions and feelings. Horror movies give that thrill they are seeking for. Horror movies tend to cause a wide load of emotions from fear to panic. It may sound unenjoyable for some people but horror movies like The Conjuring bring over $100,000,000 in box office sales according to The horror genre has many different sub-genres like psychological horrorsurvival horror, paranormal and the list goes on and on. With such a wide spectrum, as a director I feel like I have the freedom to do just about anything with my film opening!! I'm excited!!!!!

My Inspiration

Even the poster creates the thrilling emotions!


My inspiration to choose this genre was watching the intro to this movie. The movie is about a deaf writer who lives her life out in the woods to get away from the world. She encounters a man with a mask at her window, and well you can figure out the rest... The film opening made me feel all the emotions like suspense, anxiety, helplessness, and fear, The essential ingredients for a perfect horror movie.

Mattmosey1 Follow. (2014, January 07). Horror Movie Target Audience. Retrieved March 01, 2018, from